2012. december 28., péntek

The Pre-trial Detention and the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights

I have written that Miklós Hagyó was subjected to a 9-month term in pre-trial detention, which is one of the more controversial aspects of the entire affair. Apparently, though, I am not the only person who considers the pre-trial detention circumstances lawfully questionable. 
Hagyó recently petitioned the Strasbourg Court of Human Rights (SCHR) to consider his case with regards to the legality of his time spent within the penal institution. After receiving Hagyó’s plea, the SCHR has essentially agreed to review his case, and subsequently has asked the Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice to lay forth their claims on this case.

Miklós Hagyó Responds to Antal’s 2010 Accusations

On Tuesday the trial of the eleven associates of the Budapest Public Transport Company (BKV) continued at the Kecskemét Court with the review of Mr. Attila Antal’s testimony from last week and a brief response from Mr. Miklós Hagyó.
Antal continued to withdraw his previous statements from a 2010 interrogation, when under alleged duress from the police, he verbally incriminated Miklós Hagyó, Ernő Mesterházy, and other defendants. The 2010 statements were, thereafter, used by the interrogation authority and the prosecution in charging Miklós Hagyó, among others, with misappropriation of public funds. 

Another Small Win For Miklós Hagyó

Another Small Win For Miklós Hagyó

The trial of the Budapest Public Transport Company (BKV) continued on Thursday at the Kecskemét Court.  During the hearing, Mr. Atilla Antal, a former BKV CEO accused of misappropriation of public funds, continued his testimony which began on Tuesday. 
According to Antal, Mr. Miklós Hagyó, former Deputy Mayor of Budapest who oversaw the operations of BKV through his deputy mayoral capacities, did not force him to create a contract with the company AAM Ltd.  The private company was hired for advisory services in the development of line 4 in the subway system after previously completing 10 successful projects for the public transportation company.  Instead, explained Antal, the company was recommended by Mr. László Becker, a manager of the subway system who had been appointed by the Budapest City Council.
As Antal recalled, the contracts created with AAM Ltd., were necessary for development of the subway system when they were created in 2006 and 2007, and they, in his opinion, are still essential today.  Even though the line 4 projects, worth approximately 500 billion forints, were unsuccessful it was not due to any sort of criminal activity between BKV and AAM.  In reality, the project failure was due to the lack of manpower to execute such a large project, said the defendant. 
In addition to these declarations, Antal continuously alluded to his previous claims from Tuesday’s hearing about his incriminating statements from February 4th, 2010.  According to Antal, on that day the police unexpectedly arrived at his home and demanded that he go with them to the police station for questioning.  Along the way, he recounts, the escorting officers informed him that if he did not play along and provide the statements which they wanted he would be subjected to more severe treatment.  Still in recovery from a heart attack, Antal obliged to their commands by accusing Miklós Hagyó and Ernő Mesterházy of criminal activities, according to him, in fear for his health.  However, he explained, his lawyer only accompanied him once he arrived the police station.  Therefore, there were no other witnesses to observe the exchange. 
The central investigation authority said Thursday morning that in the future it will pursue legal action against Antal and Ernő Mesterházy for libel statements.  This, of course, comes in the wake of Antal’s and Mesterházy’s testimonies.  Mesterházy also claimed that he was blackmailed by police during a separate interrogation when the interrogating officers offered him more lenient pre-trial detention treatments if he provided accusatory evidence against Miklós Hagyó.
Antal’s testimony continued to lay the foundation of innocence under the weary feet of Miklós Hagyó who, according to Zsolt Balogh, had ordered members of BKV’s upper management to see through a series of allegedly conspicuous contracts with private companies.  Mr. Balogh, who served as an interim CEO for BKV after Atilla Antal suffered the heart attack, suggested the contracts veiled a criminal organization from which Hagyó profited.
The BKV trial will resume in Kecskemét next Tuesday, October 2nd.

Source: http://thehagyocase.wordpress.com/2012/09/28/another-small-win-for-miklos-hagyo/

Antal Atilla Renounces Previous Incriminating Testimony Against Miklós

Antal Atilla Renounces Previous Incriminating Testimony Against Miklós

Antal Atilla, another defendant in the BKV case, has withdrawn a previous testimony which had incriminated Miklós Hagyó and Ernő Mesterházy, the main suspects in the high-profile legal battle. This occurred yesterday during the court hearing in Kecskemét.
Antal, who had been the CEO of the Budapest Public Transportation Company (BKV) before Zsolt Balogh replaced him, said that his previous testimony against Hagyó and Mesterházy was fictitiously created according to the approval of his interrogators. According to Antal, he had been “between life and death and police told him that they would only release him if he speaks up.”
Just last week Ernő Mesterházy made similar claims in his written statement to the court of Kecskemét when he said that his interrogators blackmailed him in an attempt to force Mesterházy to incriminate Miklós Hagyó. This, of course, occurred during Mesterházy’s time in pre-trial detention.
At such an early phase in the formal trial, one cannot help but err on the side of skepticism about the accusations of Miklós Hagyó and his associates since the defendants have been, according to their testimonies, subjected to very questionable, if not criminal, interrogations.

Source: http://thehagyocase.wordpress.com/2012/09/26/antal-atilla-renounces-previous-incriminating-testimony-against-miklos/

Ernő Mesterházy Claims Criminal Conduct by the Investigation Authority

Ernő Mesterházy Claims Criminal Conduct by the Investigation Authority

Ernő Mesterházy, one of the main suspects in the high-profile BKV case and the former senior advisor to Gábor Demszky, said in his written statement during Thursday’s hearing that the investigation authority had committed crimes during a previous hearing.
The hearing, which had occurred on February 26th, 2010, had lasted 11 hours and resulted in a meager 2-page summary, according to official records. Mesterházy implied in his written statement that the official summary did not include all of the events which transpired during the lengthy hearing.
He elaborated when he accused the investigation authorities of humiliating him and dishonoring his character by attempting to make him incriminate Miklós Hagyó, another main suspect who served as the Deputy Mayor of Budapest under the former Mayor Gábor Demszky. By doing so, Mesterházy would have been excused from his pre-trial detention sentence.
Mesterházy concluded his statement by suggesting that the accusations against him and Miklós Hagyó are politically motived when he said, “I don’t know who is behind all of this, but it will unravel.”
After reading Mesterházy’s written statement to the court, the judge reminded him of the dangers in making false accusations.

Source: http://thehagyocase.wordpress.com/2012/09/20/erno-mesterhazy-claims-criminal-conduct-by-the-investigation-authority/

Another Win for Miklós

It seems that Miklós Hagyó has won another small battle, essentially making progress in ending the war that has become the “Hagyó Case.”
One of the formal charges against Miklós is misappropriation of public money when he allegedly ordered the upper-management of the Budapest Public Transport Company (BKV) to execute a series of “unnecessary” contracts between and third-party service providers.

Abandoned: Where Were Miklós’ Allies?

An interesting part of this puzzle, the Hagyó Case, which I have yet to discuss concerns the reactions of Miklós Hagyó’s former political brethren, the MSZP (Magyar Szocialista Párt).
Prior to the Budapest Public Transport Company’s (BKV) scandalous severance payment situation entering into the public sphere, and, subsequently, Zsolt Balogh’s – former interim CEO of BKV – incriminating statements directed at Miklós Hagyó, Miklós was an emerging political figure within MSZP and Hungarian politics. 

Mária Szívós, Miklós Hagyó, and the Pre-Trial Detention

The “Hagyó Case” is an all-around scandalous affair. Billions of Hungarian forints, which were “public” money, were allegedly misused. Politicians and business men alike are pointing accusative fingers or throwing their respective hands up in seemingly innocent defense. 

And though the Hungarian judicial system has yet to determine this from that within this moral conundrum, one conclusion has been simple: Some people profited at the expense of Miklós’s time in pre-trial detention. I mentioned Balogh Zsolt’s suspect promotion in my last post. Another woman professionally progressed, perhaps, even further.

The Man Who Created the Hagyó Case

I have written extensively about the BKV case and the severance payment scandal in addition to the current case against Miklós Hagyó.  However, the two cases, though connected to the same company, involve very different alleged crimes and suspects.  Since Mrs. Eleonóra Szilágyi Szalai was the original suspect for receiving misappropriated funds, how did Mr. Hagyó become involved?  The answer lies within the words of one man.

Balogh entered BKV in April 2007 as an Investment Manager which required of him to oversee the preparations and executions of new projects.  A short while later in October 2007, he transferred to the position of Deputy Engineer Manager and Under Secretary to the acting Director Attila Antal.  After Attila had fallen seriously ill, Balogh was promoted by the BKV Board of Directors to serve as the Interim Director of the public transportation company in February 2008.  

September 11th hearing approaches, I travel to western Hungary

Today’s post is certainly off-topic since the trial against Miklós Hagyó is awaiting the September 11th hearing.  However, I will soon be able to put up some character profiles of the other major players in this Hungarian scandal.
Meanwhile, for those of you who are interested, I was traveling in western Hungary, a sort of village tour, in some beautiful cities near the Hungarian-Austrian border.  Places such as KörmendSzombathelySzentgotthárd, and Ivanc were interesting steps into the lesser metropolitan Hungary, such as Budapest where I frequent.

Hagyó’s Case Remains in Kecskemét, First Statements by Eleonóra Szalai

The Szeged Court recently decided that the BKV case will continue at the Kecskemét Court, according to an article on mno.hu.  The fifteen defendants in the case, including Miklós Hagyó, requested that the trial undergo a pause while they petition the Constitutional Court on the legality of the case transfer from the Municipal Court of Budapest. 

 This appeal was first rejected by the Kecskemét Chief Justice and secondly by the Szeged Court.  According to the defense, it is very expensive for the defendants to continuously travel back and forth to Kecskemét since many among the defense reside in Budapest, a distance of approximately 91 kilometers.  Additionally, the neutrality of the Kecskemét Court has been questioned since it has ties to the Fidesz party, according to the defense.

The Beginning of The Case Against Miklós

The first trial of the criminal proceeding against Miklós Hagyó and his partners was at the Tribunal of Kecskemét on the 13th of June in 2012. A very important circumstance in the case is the impartial court of Kecskemét and its appointment by politicians connected to the two-thirds governing Fidesz.  Within this document I summarize my curiosities about the impartiality of the Kecskemét court and the appointment process of the Hagyó case to the Kecskemét court through a few simply stated questions.
Firstly, how could the Hagyó Case, as it has become known, be transferred to the Kecskemét Court?  On December 31st, 2010 the Parliament accepted the temporary provisions of the Constitution, and they came to effect on the 1st of January 2011. Of the new provisions in the fresh constitution the first section of the 28th article permits the transfer of cases:

Judicial Tentacles

Judicial Tentacles

Towards the end of my last written post, I briefly mentioned the Hungarian Constitutional Court.  I stated that it is “controversial” and “a special branch of the judiciary which is responsible for reviewing the acts of the Parliament.”  This post will begin a short series on the Constitutional Court and the Hungarian Judiciary in relation to the proceedings against Miklós Hagyó.  To start things off, I would like to describe a bit of the Constitutional Court’s history, structure, and its role in modern Hungarian life.
The notion of a Constitutional Court was first put forth in January 1989.  The newly democratic Hungary, essentially their Parliamentary Ministers, had decided it was appropriate to concoct such an institution that would be “one of the guarantees of the rule of law by practicing constitutional review of legal provisions.”  In other words, the Court would determine if Parliament’s legislation is permitted within the constitutional framework.  After a few permitting additions to the freshly devised Hungarian Constitution, the first five Constitutional Court members were elected by Parliament in November 1989.  The court, itself, was functional in January 1990; exactly one year after the idea had been formulated.  Sometime in mid-1990 an additional five judges were chosen to serve on the Court by the newly elected Parliament.  The elected judges were a sovereign, independent body separated from the ordinary judicial system.  They had their own budget, and they were responsible for organizing a secret ballot in which a president would be elected.  Finally, the president would appoint one or two vice presidents who would assume the presidential responsibilities in the case of his absence.  During the next 21 years, according to the Constitutional Court’s website, it had “an outstanding role in the protection of individual fundamental rights,” listing decisions of cases involving abortion and euthanasia, among others.
Some changes to the Constitutional Court were made in 2011, which were part of the new Hungarian Constitution, dubbed by its Fidesz creators the Fundamental Law: As of September 2011 the allotted number of judges changed from 11 to 15; the Court’s president, historically elected by the judges, is now appointed by Parliament; the President of the Constitutional Court, who previously served a term of three years, is now elected to office for 12 years.  Although, the new structure of the Constitutional Court does not permit it to rule on financial matters, the Court is still considered the main organ for the protection of the Hungarian Constitution.
You may wonder how these changes to one particular judicial branch, whose sole responsibility is to determine the constitutionality of legislation, is related to the current Hungarian political environment?  Like everything else that has occurred under the governing Fidesz party, these changes essentially permit further consolidation of judicial power; just one mechanism within the Fidesz centralization apparatus.  In doing so, Viktor Orbán and his party undermine their opposition’s ability to contest the current authoritarianism bureaucratically sweeping through Hungary’s administration, and, more importantly for those who oppose the Fidesz Party – such as Miklós Hagyó, the Constitutional Court reforms give Fidesz much longer influence into happenings of the Court.
For example, the current Parliamentary body comprises two-thirds of Fidesz members, and the remaining one-third consists of 5 different parties.  In different terms a supermajority of 226 Fidesz while the other 5 parties combine a total of 160 members of parliament.  For the Fidesz, numbers like that facilitate successful legislation and promoting allies to influential positions, perhaps new judges or even the President of the Constitutional Court.  Conveniently, new judges and a new president REQUIRE votes from exactly two-thirds of the parliament in order to take office.  As I mentioned earlier, that new president will now oversee the Constitutional Court for 12 years! So, the two-thirds Fidesz parliamentary super-majority elects the President of the Constitutional Court, they elect the judges which sit on the court, and as I said, they increased the size of the Court from 11 members to 15.
Some may say, what is wrong with that?  It is normal for a political party to chase influence, if not direct power, is it not?  Of course it is.  This happens all over the world, including within the major democratic states of the world.  But the Hungarian Constitution, or the Fundamental Law, was devised by Fidesz, voted acceptable by the two-thirds Fidesz supermajority, and now they spreading their tentacles in the Constitutions major protector, the Constitutional Court.  As the memory of the communist regime still lingers within the Hungarian populace, parallels are not difficult to observe.

Weaving Their Web

Weaving Their Web

(Szivos Maria, far left, appointed to the Hungarian Constitutional Court.)
This quote was made during his post-election speech in Budapest on April 25th, 2010.  The election in which he was voted to serve as the Prime Minister of Hungary: the election in which the Fidesz party received the two-thirds majority of votes to serve as the primary power in the Hungarian Parliament – the major legislation body.  

A Sense of Foreshadowing

A Sense of Foreshadowing

Mr. Balogh Zsolt

So far I have introduced Hagyó Miklós, the former socialist politician (MSZP – Budapest district XII Deputy Mayor) and co-supervisor of the Budapest Public Transport Company (BKV), who for nearly three years has been the primary suspect in the high-profile BKV corruption scandal.  

Turmoil on the Transportation Front

Turmoil on the Transportation Front

In 2009 Mrs. Eleonóra Szalai, Human Resources manager of BKV at the time, attracted a lot of attention to the Budapest Public Transport Company.  Why?  She had received a severance package totaling 136 million HUF (just under 400 000,00 GBP at the time of writing).  A general breakdown of the severance package was listed in the Budapest Times: 96 million HUF in addition to a confidentiality compensation of 10 million HUF – strange considering BKV has no competitors in this industry – plus 20 million HUF in expected bonuses. What is the problem with that, you may ask?  Eleonóra did not actually leave her post as HR manager of the city-owned transportation company.  She continued to work and receive a gross salary of approximately $60,000.00 (1.2 million HUF).  Financially, 2008 was a good year for her considering the average Hungarian household wealth can be valued at just below $12,000.00 per year, according to the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.

From the Farm to Fame – Who is Mr. Miklós Hagyó

From the Farm to Fame – Who is Mr. Miklós Hagyó

Mr. Hagyó Miklós as the Deputy Mayor of Budapest

Mr. Hagyó is a former Hungarian politician who is in the middle of a very, very big scandal.

BKV case: or professional, either proficiency

The BKV former communication manager knew it later that he was arrested than they said this information in the news – turned out on the Tuesday’s hearing of the Hagyó case. Zelenák Tibor denied his guilt in every count and he showed other thwarting about the investigation. According to the professional communicator the indictment is just a neither „mischievous assumption”, what based on statements what the prosecution has nor professional, either proficiency for phrasings like this.

(Photo Source: www.ct4me.net)

On Tuesday the BKV case’s hearing continued with the hearing of Zelenák Tibor, IX. accused, on the Kecskemét Court. The former communication manager of the BKV maintained his investigation testimony, and he made another testimony which was added to the before one. According to the accusation, Zelenák made unneeded contracts which caused damages for the BKV, and he verified unreal achievements. The professional communicator denied his guiltiness and he said, he never made any offence ever in his life.

2012. december 4., kedd

Constitutional Court - Kecskemét

With the new Hungarian Constitution, the Foundational Law as it has been called, came amendments to the structure of its protectors and legal interpreters, the Constitutional Court.  Of those amendments, one in particular has shown its presence and capabilities, specifically within one high-profile case, that concerning Miklós Hagyó

I am referring to, of course, the 28th article which, for simplicity, can be termed the "overloading" article.  For the purposes of clarity and comprehension, though, here is an accurate translation of the summarized 1st section of the 28th article:

Hagyó Suit Begins, Causes National and International Response

The first trial of the criminal proceeding against Miklós Hagyó and his partners was at the Tribunal of Kecskemét on the 13th of June in 2012. The externals of the case remind us of a staged or show trial and they wear unacceptable marks in a democracy. A very important circumstance in the case is the impartial court of Kecskemét and its appointment by politicians connected to the two-thirds governing Fidesz. I recommend my summary about the legal and political background of the Hagyó case that I attached to my letter. My current summary, which includes serious criticism from international political forums, media and legal aid organizations, is dealing with the location alteration of the coming trial.

Dr. Gergely Nagy
Freelance journalist

I.                   QUESTIONS

I need to clarify two main questions about the transference of the Hagyó case to Kecskemét:
- How can the case be transferred to Kecskemét? (Chapter II)
How is it legally possible, in a democracy, that the person, who is supported by the governing party (moreover she is the wife of a politician from the governing party), appoints the court for the accused.

BKV case- are they represented fairly according to the statutory right of the court?

A conspiracy theory and its victims

Judicial reform in recent years has become more and more noticeable in the spirit of being anti-liberalism. This ideology sees an irreconcilable conflict with the right of freedom and between private interests and national interests.

Christian values uphold the right of freedom, such as respecting human dignity in the eyes of those who declare that there is no other, as anti-national products of intellectual schemes of the conspirators,  which, according to the “traitors ", the obstacles that are set in front of the objective is to achieve national self-determination.

This idea is presented to us successfully by the media, that many people believe that our country is constantly under threat, such as by the European Union, by the international financial world, and it is continuously generating fear, anxiety, hatred, and aggression. The battle brings an almost paranoid behavior to the majority of the Hungarian society.

One artificially created image or illusion from the enemy is liberalism, and its ideals of liberty rights. The radical right did not by accident consider China as a model, where civil liberties, the judicial independence of the judiciary also dramatically overshadows the compassion, rejected as "liberal blight", a denied relationship not only with Europe, but it’s ancient traditions, and in this spirit often used the death penalty for offenses against public property.

BKV case: was there political interest in the background?

The former manager/head of department traversed all along in his court and in his investigation testimonies that he would have worked in a criminal organization at the BKV, and that he made unneeded contracts, or he filled out untrue achievement verifications.

For his statement his defendant fellow, the former deputy lord mayor from MSZP responded with this: The testimony of Z. Tibor support what he said before in his own defense. He noted: the circumstances of the manager’s/head of department’s arrest was sorely violator. Because Z. Tibor reported in his Tuesday hearing that they announced his arrest in the TV news before they told him, then in his 51 days of pre-trial detention he couldn’t get ahold of with his 3 kids and with his wife.

They didn’t inform me about serious elements

However the news agency (MTI is the Hungarian news agency) reported in detail about the happenings on the BKV case, most of their reports were typical, that they placed the tone onto the old testimonies, and for that they already renounced these statements, most of the time they just mistily alluded to.

The MTI (News Agency of Hungary) for example didn’t report that according to the testimony of Mesterházy Ernő, the former main advisor of Demszky Gábor the investigation authorities humiliated him, and they convinced him to take an incriminatory testimony against Hagyó Miklós, and if he does they will let him go from the pre-trial detention.

BKV case - Are there serious problems with the basic rights?

From constitutional viewpoint the jogiforum.hu published a study which had rough statements. The writing which is deal with the BKV case, presenting in detail, and support by legally the complaint what the defendants passed in to the Constitutional Court, what is questions specific basic rights emergence.

The dissection which is called The BKV case- is it absolved even from the scope of the legal court right? refer to that in 2011 they initiated a measure – specifically for cases which are emphasized – what ignored/left out of consideration the strict criterions of the limitation of the basic right. Although that the Constitutional Court qualified it unconstitutional and they set aside it, later they yet put it among to the provisions of the basic law. 

Passenger informant’s system – without commentary…

Passenger informant’s system – without commentary…
According to one of the count of the BKV case with the contracts of the C.C. Soft Ltd „The configuration of the visual passenger informant system for the „szentendrei” local train between Batthyány square and Békásmegyer” the BKV had a property detriment with the total amount of 118 million 800 thousand forints. However the system is still working.

(Photo Source: hagyodosszie.blog.hu)

22 pieces of digital displays, together with a giant display – six years ago 172 million forints, now the updating is 124 million forints.
20th of August, 2006: the HC Linear Ltd. as a subcontractor after 7 months of construction they hand over the Public Transportation of Debrecen the complex GPS system of the passenger informants and control of traffic. 
18th of May, 2012: „It was expensive, but none of the digital displays are working in the tram stops of Debrecen. The DKV’s passenger informant system originally would have shown that when will the tram coming in the stop. Now it doesn’t even show the right time.”
The passenger informant system of the tram number 1 was established 6 years ago from 172 million forint of Union support. As we known, the DKV Ltd doesn’t design the revise of the system, because it’s obsolete. So now they establish new systems of more millions.
The DKV (Public Transportation of Debrecen) responded to our writing with this:
The 22 pieces of digital displays and the one giant display at the Petőfi square in the tram stops materialized with the program of the II. European Union Tender of the Civitas in the August of 2006. The system was suitable, up-to-date for the requirement of that time. The now almost six year old passenger informant system is obsolete because of the „large-scale” of technical development.
Our company – as we already inform a few times the public opinion in the last few months – in 2009, with the title of the Project for standard service development in the Public Transportation of Debrecen, with the support of the Developmental Fund of the European Region we won 440million forint. Thankful for this along with other infrastructural developments, it opened an opportunity for the development of the passenger informant and for the control of traffic system.
Now public procurement procedure happening which needs for the development of the stops and the digital passenger informants system of the trams. The updating expectedly will cost 124 million forints.
4th of September, 2012: „Kaposvár starts a transportation development program with the support of the European Union with the amount of 571 million forint.”
„In the dynamic passenger informant system they place big sized electronically informant board in 40 bus stops and in 2 railway station location. About this the passengers will know every needing information: for example that what is the time of the departure and the arrival, with which round where can they travel, what are the transfer opportunities, moreover, with GPS coordinates the boards will show that in that time where is the bus, and that how much time they’ll have to wait to be in that stop. ”
28th of February, 2012: „They installed hundreds of new type of passenger informant system into the buses, and they have new information columns in 24 stops. These boards are showing them the probable arrival time. They established 24hours of automata for ticket buying in 20stops which have a lot of traffic. They are expecting the rise of the passengers in the buses from this investment which cost 563 million forints. ”
13th of September, 2012: „With the support of the European Union, the Szabolcs Volán Ltd developed the public transportation in the county of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg with the invest of almost half a billion: the company established modern control of traffic and passenger informant system in the point-to-point bus grid of the area.”
„… for the total 443 million forint amount of the development Brüsszel – by the tender – gave the support of the 78,85%, which was 348 million forints, so they only had to have 95 million forint own source in the investment. From the amount they install/set up the buses with cash-registers which based on GPS technologic, with passenger informant display and with loud information deliverer, furthermore with devices of passenger counting and gas scale. They placed passenger informant displays in 6 bus stations (Nyíregyháza, Mátészalka, Kisvárad, Fehérgyarmat, Vásárosnamény and Nyírbátor) moreover they placed information devices in 6 point-to-point stops in Nyíregyháza.”

Source: http://hagyodosszie.blog.hu/2012/12/19/utastajekoztato_rendszerek_kommentar_nelkul


A BKV-ügy egyik vádpontja szerint a C. C. Soft Kft.-vel „A szentendrei HÉV Batthyányi tér–Békásmegyer állomások közötti vizuális utastájékoztató rendszer kiépítésére” kötött szerződés miatt a BKV Zrt.-t összesen 118 millió 800 ezer forint vagyoni hátrány érte. Pedig a rendszer azóta is működik.

(Kép Forrás: hagyodosszie.blog.hu)

22 db digitális kijelző, valamint egy óriás kijelző – hat éve 172 millió forint, jelenlegi korszerűsítés 124 millió forint
2006. augusztus 20.: A HC Linear Kft. alvállalkozóként hét hónapos kivitelezést követően átadta a Debreceni Közlekedési Vállalatnak a komplex GPS alapú utastájékoztató és forgalomirányítási rendszert
2012. május 18.: „Drága volt, mégsem működik egyetlen digitális kijelző sem a debreceni villamosmegállókban. A DKV utastájékoztató rendszere eredetileg azt mutatta volna, mikor mikor érkezik a megállóba a szerelvény. Most még az időt sem jelzi pontosan. 
Az 1-es villamos utastájékoztatási rendszerét alig 6 éve építették ki 172 millió forintból uniós támogatással. Úgy tudjuk, a DKV Zrt. nem tervezi a rendszer javíttatását, mert az már elavult. Ezért most újabb rendszert építenek ki újabb milliókért.
A DKV Debreceni Közlekedési Zrt. levélben reagált írásunkra:
A villamos-megállóhelyeken található 22 db digitális kijelző, valamint a Petőfi téri óriás kijelző 2006 augusztusában a Civitas II. Európai Uniós Pályázati program keretében valósult meg. A rendszer az akkori kor követelményeinek megfelelő, korszerű volt. A jelenleg közel hat éves utastájékoztató rendszer, a technika „nagyléptékű” fejlődése miatt részben elavult.
Társaságunk – mint arról már a közvéleményt is többször tájékoztattuk az elmúlt hónapokban – 2009-ben, Debreceni közösségi közlekedés szolgáltatási színvonalának fejlesztése projekt elnevezéssel, az Európai Regionális Fejlesztési Alap támogatásával közel 440 millió forint pályázati pénzt nyert. Ennek köszönhetően, más infrastrukturális fejlesztés mellett, lehetőség nyílt az utastájékoztató, valamint a forgalomirányítási rendszer fejlesztésére.
Jelenleg a megállóhelyi, illetve a járművek digitális utastájékoztató rendszerének fejlesztéséhez szükséges közbeszerzési eljárás zajlik. A korszerűsítés várhatóan 124 millió forintba fog kerülni.”

„A dinamikus utastájékoztató rendszer keretében 40 buszmegállóban és 2 pályaudvari helyszínen nagyméretű elektronikus tájékoztató táblákat helyeznek ki. Ezekről minden szükséges információt megtudhatnak majd az utasok: például azt, hogy mik az indulási és érkezési időpontok, melyik járattal hová utazhatnak, melyek az átszállási lehetőségek, sőt GPS koordináták alapján a táblák azt is mutatják majd, hogy merre jár éppen a busz és hogy hány percet kell várni, hogy a megállóhelyre érkezzen.”

2012. február 28.: „Több száz autóbuszba szereltek be új típusú utastájékoztató rendszert, és huszonnégy megállóban vannak új információs oszlopok. Ez utóbbiak a következő autóbusz várható érkezését is közlik. Húsz nagyforgalmú megállóba telepítettek éjjel-nappal üzemelő jegy- és bérletkiadó automatát. Az 563 millió forintba kerülő beruházástól az autóbuszon utazók számának növekedését várják.”

2012. szeptember 13.: „Az Európai Unió támogatásával, közel félmilliárd forint beruházással fejlesztette a közösségi közlekedést Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg megyében a Szabolcs Volán Zrt.; a társaság modern forgalomirányítási és utastájékoztatási rendszert épített ki a térség helyközi autóbusz-járatainak hálózatán.”
„...a 443 millió forint értékű fejlesztéshez Brüsszel – pályázat alapján – 78,85 százalékos arányú támogatást, csaknem 348 millió forintot adott, így mindössze 95 millió forint saját forrásra volt szükség a beruházásnál. Az összegből számítógép alapú GPS technológiára épülő fedélzeti pénztárgéppel, utastájékoztató kijelzővel és hangos információközlővel, továbbá utasszámláló, valamint üzemanyagszint-mérő berendezéssel szerelték fel az autóbuszokat. Hat, a nyíregyházi, mátészalkai, kisvárdai, fehérgyarmati, vásárosnaményi és a nyírbátori autóbusz-pályaudvaron szintén kihelyeztek utastájékoztató kijelzőt, továbbá hat nyíregyházi helyközi megállóhelyet is elláttak információs eszközzel.”