The expert IT witness called, on the Thursday’s trial against Miklós Hagyó (who is the former deputy lord mayor) and his associates, a few elements of the passenger informant system at the local train between Batthyány and Békásmegyer which was constructed for 118 million forint.
According to the expert witness who was asked by the court the passenger informant system’s display was unsuitable for the function, the software of the system didn’t work as the calling for tender said.
Ibolya Hadnagy, the board leader judge is continuing the process of proof since the second day about the passenger informant system which was constructed by the C. C. Soft Ltd., and which according to the accusation made 118 million forints of damage for the BKV Ltd.
The BKV case trial continued on the Kecskemét Tribunal on Thursday with dissect of the BKV’S contracts with the connection of the local train of Szentendre.
The prosecution tried to prove that the system is overpriced and it was a bad quality with the cancellation of BKV workers. According to the defenders they heard in irregular way and as a witness the CEOs of the two other applicant companies who lost. For example one of them stated distinctly if he is biased in the case or not.
During the testimonies it was even more surprising turn that the directors of the companies who lost – former BKV workers – in contrast with the C. C. Soft Ltd. they worked together towards the win of the 100 million forint contract. One of them for example participated in the transcript of the tender. The defendants could prove that the losers of the project prohibited the fulfillment of the contract from inside of the BKV.
The prosecution got off 5 contracts from the counts. Again a document just turned up which wasn’t revealed for the defense. Since Tuesday it’s still big works in the BKV case.
It’s not the first time when a proof just turned out in the BKV case which was not shown to the defense. At this time it was about a letter where the CEO of the C.C. Soft wrote that outsider mistakes and connection problems with other companies set back the configuration works of the passenger informant system.
Tomorrow the BKV case is continuing with an interesting count in the Kecskemét Tribunal. The next count’s weirdness, which is connected to the BKV’s passenger informant system, that Balogh Zsolt, the former CEO of the BKV, in his testimony against Miklós Hagyó (who is the deputy lord mayor),he admitted an accounting sheet as his own when in reality he didn’t even signed it.
According to the indictment the contract with the C.C. Soft Ltd, which was about the configuration of the Local Train of Szentendre’s visual passenger informant system, made 118,8 million forints of financial disadvantage for the transportation company. In the company’s inside enquiry report in February, 2010, and in the accusation it says that the partial invoices, the efficiency certifications, and the accounting sheets which were connected to the contract was signed by Balogh. Moreover, Balogh also stated this in his testimony in March, 2010.
So far there is no decision from the Constitutional Court since 150 days in the case of the lawsuit transferences, so thus not even in the BKV case which is a special case.
We already wrote on the 120th day of the waiting that the Constitutional Court on the 21st of April, 2013 questioned Handó Tünde who is the president of the National Judicial Office with the lawsuits transferences and with the constitutional complaint in the connection of Miklós Hagyó and his associates. The complaint was born because they transferred the BKV case to the Kecskemét Tribunal (which Tribunal is already proved with political bias in the Zuschlag case) without the possibility of a remedy against the decision. The questioning happened with the exclusion of the public and the concerned people.