A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: László Mátai. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése
A következő címkéjű bejegyzések mutatása: László Mátai. Összes bejegyzés megjelenítése

2013. január 6., vasárnap

The Santa Claus was the subject in the BKV trial

 The Santa Claus was the subject in the BKV trial
The prosecution asked one of the defendants (who are a former subcontractor of the BKV) about Santa Claus costumes, crayons and about chocolates on the yesterday hearing of the Hagyó case.
M. László journalist, XII. accused – who is accused by the prosecution with misappropriation as a privy, with the contracts between the BKV and his company – denied his guiltiness. According to the accusation the programs for children day, the BKV Santa Claus and the campaign for the transport security which was set up by this company were unneeded, H. Éva accused VI. was the one who ordered the signing of the contract, who in that time was in a relationship with him, and now he is her husband. M. László said, that his wife was working as an advisor on the project of the subway 4, she had no right and no opportunity for ordering. For that matter he said that these programs were useful and successful.

(Source of the photo: http://www.minitoys.hu)
On the hearing the prosecution’s questions with among others about the Santa Claus costumes made in the defendants and their defenders a general exhilaration. On the hearing this was the first time when the prosecutor answered for the observations which disapprove the work of the accusation, these observations were that on the selection when they chose the defendants they chose it by politics. According to the prosecutor this is not true, they accused people about they had incriminatory testimonies during the investigation. This answer – considering that they didn’t even questioned the so called „sources” of the slush-fund – pique big outcry in the defendants and in their defenders.

Címkék: bkv per marketing kecskemét | Szerző: Hagyó Dosszié | 9:26 am
Mikulásjelmezekről, zsírkrétákról és csokoládéról kérdezte az ügyészség a BKV egykori alvállalkozó-vádlottját a Hagyó-per tegnapi tárgyalásán.
M. László újságíró, 12. rendű vádlott - akit az ügyészség bűnsegédként elkövetett hűtlen kezeléssel vádol, az általa vezetett bt.-vel kötött BKV-s szerződések miatt - tagadta bűnösségét. A vádhatóság szerint a cég által szervezett gyermeknapi programok, a BKV Mikulás és a közlekedésbiztonsági kampány felesleges volt, és a szerződések megkötésére a BKV-t H. Éva 6. rendű vádlott utasította, aki akkoriban párkapcsolatban élt a férfival, jelenlegi férjével. M. László elmondta, felesége tanácsadóként dolgozott a 4-es metró projektjén, utasításra sem joga, sem lehetősége nem volt. Egyébként pedig az egyes rendezvényeket hasznosnak és sikeresnek ítélte

(Fotó forrása: http://www.minitoys.hu)
A tárgyaláson a vádlottak és védőik között általános derültséget váltottak ki az ügyészség kérdései a többi között a Mikulás-jelmezekről. A tárgyaláson az ügyész most először reagált azokra a vádhatósági munkát kifogásoló észrevételekre, amelyek szerint politikai alapon szelektáltak a vádlottak kiválogatásánál. Az ügyész szerint ez nem igaz, ők azokat vádolták meg, akikre terhelő vallomások hangzottak el a nyomozás során. Ez a válasz - figyelembe véve, hogy például az állítólagos kenőpénzek "forrásait" még csak ki sem hallgatták - nagy felzúdulást keltett a vádlottak és védőik között.

2013. január 5., szombat

December 11th, 2012 Hearing: Santa Claus Comes into the Trial

December 11th, 2012 Hearing: Santa Claus Comes into the Trial

On Tuesday, December 11th, 2012 the trial of the 15 associates of the Budapest Public Transport Company (BKV) continued in the Hungarian city of Kecskemét.  The subject of the hearing was Santa Claus and his Christmas program, sort of. 
Twelfth defendant László Mátai, who is accused of being an accomplice in the misappropriation of public funds and aiding in a criminal organization, denied all of the charges against him. 
Mátai charges are directly related to contracts between BKV and two other Hungarian companies, Sporting Life Media Ltd. (SLM) and F.F.V.D. Lp.  It is alleged that the two companies were contacted to fulfill contract work by the office of Mátai’s current wife and the sixth defendant in the case, Éva Mátai. 
Sometime in 2007 Éva Mátai, who at the time was a public relations officer for the public transport company, purportedly discussed the eighth defendant, Miklós Regőczi, the organization of a Christmas program which BKV would help fund and organize.  According to the indictment, Éva told Regőczi that she would organize a contract with SLM, although Regőczi knew that F.F.V.D Lp. would already receive the Christmas program contract, he was aware that he could not refuse her instructions. 
Evidently, SLM sub-contracted the work to F.F.V.D. in agreement that the latter would use the former’s name and SLM received 8% of the contract value. 
And how does Mr. Mátai fit into this complicated web? 
The prosecution claims that the contracts were created with SLM regardless of the previous agreement because Mr. Mátai was directly involved in the company.
In court on the 11th László stated that his wife could have never ordered the contract with SLM.  He claims that instead of organizing the Christmas program his wife was working as an advisor for the infamous line 4 in the subway network.  Therefore, she was in no way connected to the 2007 Christmas event.
Regardless of Mr. Mátai’s claims, the prosecution continued to question him about the Christmas program, which included inquiries into the attire of Santa Claus.  This, of course, generated a lot of laughs amongst those in attendance.   
Throughout the trial thus far, many of the defendants and followers belonging to the public has suspected the prosecutions motivations for placing these 15 individuals on trial.  One prevalent theme has been political motivations.  During the hearing the prosecution addressed these “ulterior motivation” claims for the first time: According to the lead prosecutor, the 15 defendants were chosen because of prior evidence indicating the group of organizing a criminal network.  This, however, caused an outcry from the defendants as they claimed no credible sources have been interviewed or served as witnesses in the high-profile case.

Source: http://thehagyocase.wordpress.com/2013/01/03/december-11th-2012-hearing-santa-claus-comes-into-the-trial/