2017. június 29., csütörtök

Election campaign reload – The investigations in the „Nokia box case” has been relaunched

In their submission full of formal errors Appellate Chief Prosecution Office in Szeged requested the initiation of the full reinvestigation of the story of Nokia-box at the regional court. If accepted this would be the third time that the case was put under investigation although the defendants have been acquitted by two times.

In case reinvestigation is approved by the Szeged Regional Court of Appeal in the proceedings beginning in September, it would be the third time that Fidesz would get the opportunity to influence the parliamentary elections with the same story. It should not be at the suprise of the ones following the case that along with the submission a prize from Péter Polt has also been accepted by the Prosecutor of Szeged competent in the case.

In September Tünde Handó, at long last, might be home and dry with one of her first decisons made right after she took office in January, 2012. The „Hagyó-case” did land in Szeged as it had been planned by Handó from the very beginning. Despite the decision made by the Constitutional Courd and their clear opposition, in the proceedings started the second time the only destination of the case could be Szeged. Perhaps, at the attempt to understand the ’why’ it could be useful to know that Attila Harangozó – the only candidate for the position of President of Szeged Regional Court of Appeal and then appointed by Handó – at a press conference referred to the President of OBH as his employer and he described the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg as gentlamen’s club. After all, it should not be at our suprise that Péter Polt’s prosecutors in Szeged are eager to carry out their duties accordingly. And what are these duties exactly?

2017. június 23., péntek

Former Synergon-executive rescued from the Hagyó-case has become the CEO of the MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd.

Although it is not reflected in the registry of companies, on their official webpage Márk Lazarovits is indicated as the CEO of the MVMI Information Technologies Service Centre Ltd. Lazarovits ran the Synergon Information Technology Plc. between 2007 and 2011. According to the prosecution’s narrative – which they failed to prove – Lazarovits had been supposed to hide the 15 million HUF in the Nokia-box meant to Hagyó.  

The prosecution’s narrative and the indictment were based on the testimony given by Zsolt Balogh, third defendant. However the testimony was withdrawn by Balogh, meaning that the case was dropped for the CEO of Synergon. It is important to note that for some reason the prosecution did not carry out any investigation into Lazarovits’s case and did not questioned him at all in the two and a half years passed between Balogh’s giving testimony incriminating Lazarovits and its being withdrawn.