BKV defendants: Kocsis can be in the background
The defendants of the BKV case
asked questions to the present leader of the communication at the
transportation company about Kocsis István, the former CEO of the BKV. From the answers of Székelyné Pásztor Erzsébet
who has an old work relationship with Kocsis it turned out that the inside
audits/inquires which established the accusations were frivolous, and at the
time of Hagyó and his fellows the communication of the BKV wasn’t unneeded what
the indictment states.
Székelyné Pásztor Erzsébet had
to answer for embarrassing questions (who is the present responsible director
of the social communications) on the Tuesday’s hearing of the Hagyó case on the
Kecskemét Tribune. The defendants with the questions what they asked from their
former colleague they unambiguously tried to prove that in the background of
the expedition/campaign which is against them it’s Kocsis István the former CEO
of the BKV. Székelyné for answering the questions she admitted that for the
inside audits/inquires which established the accusations of Kocsis they had
little available time and in more case the audit/inquiry could not be
substantial. She mentioned as an example that they had dismissed audit results
in a case in which – although they couldn’t find the entire documentation in
the record-office of the BKV– on the internet it can be still found the
typographical turnouts which proves the compliance of the contract.
As it known the height of the
BKV scandal was the accusations from Kocsis István and the investigation
process which was the consequence of that. Székelyné admitted that Kocsis
István proposed a leader position when she joined the BKV and they already
worked together before in the nuclear power station of Paks. During the
investigation Székelyné made incriminatory testimonies against the more of the
defendants. Now she admitted that the transportation company did and does the
communication tasks what the prosecution consider as crime in the case of Hagyó
and his fellows. For answering the questions she said that up to this day they
vend BKV (and BKK) souvenirs what return profits for the public transportation
company. She firmed that under her leadership they sponsored sport and culture
and they signed contracts with the same companies in several cases as the
defendants before.
Székelyné firmed the thereon
standpoint of the defendants in the questions which is connected to the Well
Ltd. (and which is a basically influential accusation) that the campaign of the
Combino and the other assignments weren’t unneeded. Székelyné stated in the
concerned contract that there were only form mistakes in the documentation, by
this time she didn’t talk about the suspicion of malfeasance. Moreover, she also
firmed that she also extended contracts with the Well Ltd. but she doesn’t
remember for 2,5 or 5 million net/month. The defendants in the break of the
hearing talked about that they don’t think it is a coincidence that Székelyné
since the departure of Kocsis from the BKV „she forgot a lot and now she is in
the same professional opinion with the defendants”. According to them Székelyné
in the time of the expels and accusations she was acting on as the trust person
of Kocsis and with her testimonies and statements she acted on the expectations
from Kocsis, but now she doesn’t have that strong defense. The responsible
director of the social communications didn’t deny that in that time she
followed all the orders from her former boss.
NÉPSZAVA - information
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