2013. március 3., vasárnap

Tarlós trusted the former socialist deputy mayor with two companies in Budapest

Tarlós trusted the former socialist deputy mayor with two companies in Budapest

2010. 10. 27
Tarlós István appointed a former socialist politician as the leader of the Maintainer of Public Spaces of Budapest and of the new initiated Protection Agency of Budapest („The Budapest FBI”). Pető György worked as a counter-espionage at the group of III/II before the communist regime ended, now he is transfers to companies in Budapest.
Tarlós István appointed Pető György on the general assembly on Wednesday to be the director of the Maintainer of Public Spaces of Budapest and he trusted him to be the leader of the Nonprofit Protection Agency of Budapest Ltd which was initiated newly. This company is in charge of the control and coordination of the safeguarding of the companies in Budapest.

Tarlós knew Pető from the time of his former mayor work of Óbuda, Pető was working next to him between 2002 and 2006 as deputy mayor from MSZP. Pető was also a representative in the next period in Óbuda, he was leading the fraction of the MSZP, until the beginning of 2008, when he quit from the fraction with his 9 fellows. The people who quit from the MSZP were taken under one’s wings by the MSZDP, but in the October of 2009 they left this party too and they worked as independents in the district.
The HVG in March, wrote an article about Pető who became the fellow-worker of the BRFK (Main Police Office of Budapest), he is working in the department of the economy protection, where, together with others, they are working on the BKV case. The BRFK for the question of the newspaper they answered that „Mr. Pető civil servant is an employee of the BRFK”. The paper wrote that Pető was a rival in the MSZP with Hagyó Miklós, and that he had a good relationship with Tarlós István in the III. district.
Pető didn’t have his first connection with the police in this year. In his CV he undertook straightly-out that between 1979 and 1983 he was working in the American department of III/II as an open substance counter-espionage. „I never concealed that I was working in the American department of III/II as open substance counter-espionage, looking at my status as a police officer. But I was never an agent in the meaning of the word, what was connected to it after the end of the communist regime” – he wrote it in an open letter, when before the elections it came out that because of his state security in his past the SZDSZ is not going to support him.
In 2005 the FIDESZ’s organization of Óbuda also asked about his past and he also replied in an open letter in that time too and he wrote that beside the counter-espionage he was one of the BM’s (Ministry for Home Affairs) KISZ secretary (Hungarian Young Communist League, in the communist regime this was a communist youth movement and the secretariat was a big role, position in this league) and the head of the department of the KISZ’S KB (Central Commission) in the previous regime.

Korábbi szocialista alpolgármesterére bízott két fővárosi céget Tarlós
[origo]|2010. 10. 27., 16:31|Utolsó módosítás:2010. 10. 27., 17:09|
Egy volt szocialista politikust nevezett ki Tarlós István a Fővárosi Közterület-felügyelet és az újonnan megalapított fővárosi biztonsági cég élére. Pető György a rendszerváltás előtt kémelhárítóként dolgozott a III/II-es csoportnál, most a BRFK-tól igazol át a fővárosi cégekhez.

Pető Györgyöt nevezte ki Tarlós István a szerdai közgyűlésen a Fővárosi Közterület-felügyelet igazgatójának, és őt bízta meg az újonnan megalakított Budapesti Biztonsági Iroda Nonprofit Kft. vezetésével is. Ez a cég felügyeli és koordinálja a jövőben a fővárosi cégek vagyonvédelmét.
Petőt még óbudai polgármester korából ismeri Tarlós, 2002 és 2006 között Pető MSZP-s alpolgármesterként dolgozott mellette. Pető a következő ciklusban is képviselő volt Óbudán, az MSZP-frakciót vezette, amíg 2008 elején kilenc párttársával együtt ki nem lépett a frakcióból. A kilépőket az MSZDP vette a szárnyai alá, de 2009 októberében ezt a pártot is otthagyták, és függetlenként folytatták a munkát a kerületben.
A HVG márciusban arról írt, hogy Pető a BRFK munkatársa lett, a gazdaságvédelmi osztályon dolgozik, ahol egyebek mellett a BKV-ügyön is dolgoznak. A BRFK a lap kérdésére csak annyit közölt, hogy "Pető György úr köztisztviselő, jelenleg a BRFK munkavállalója." A lap azt írta, az MSZP-n belül Pető Hagyó Miklós ellenlábasa volt, Tarlós Istvánnal viszont jó munkakapcsolatot ápolt a III. kerületben.

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