2013. január 15., kedd

Xpat Report: Authorities Allegedly Bribed BKV Suspect

Xpat Report: Authorities Allegedly Bribed BKV Suspect

Xpat Report: Authorities Allegedly Bribed BKV Suspect
Ernő Mesterházy, one of the main suspects in the high-profile BKV case and the former senior advisor to Gábor Demszky, said in his written statement during Thursday's hearing that the investigation authority had committed crimes during a previous hearing.

The hearing, which had occurred on February 26th, 2010, had lasted 11 hours and resulted in a meager 2-page summary, according to official records. Mesterházy implied in his written statement that the official summary did not include all of the events which transpired during the lengthy hearing.
He elaborated when he accused the investigation authorities of humiliating him and dishonoring his character by attempting to make him incriminate Miklós Hagyó, another main suspect who served as the Deputy Mayor of Budapest under the former Mayor Gábor Demszky. By doing so, Mesterházy would have been excused from his pre-trial detention sentence.
Mesterházy concluded his statement by suggesting that the accusations against him and Miklós Hagyó are politically motived when he said, “I don't know who is behind all of this, but it will unravel.”
After reading Mesterházy's written statement to the court, the judge reminded him of the dangers in making false accusations.
Source: Népszava
Submitted by Ben T. Hawking for XpatLoop.com


Xpat Opinion: Miklós Hagyó Responds To Attila Antal's 2010 Accusations

Xpat Opinion: Miklós Hagyó Responds To Attila Antal's 2010 Accusations

Xpat Opinion: Miklós Hagyó Responds To Attila Antal's 2010 Accusations
On Tuesday the trial of the eleven associates of the Budapest Public Transport Company (BKV) continued at the Kecskemét Court with the review of Mr. Attila Antal’s testimony from last week and a brief response from Mr. Miklós Hagyó.

Antal continued to withdraw his previous statements from a 2010 interrogation, when under alleged duress from the police, he verbally incriminated Miklós Hagyó, Ernő Mesterházy, and other defendants. The 2010 statements were, thereafter, used by the interrogation authority and the prosecution in charging Miklós Hagyó, among others, with misappropriation of public funds. It is speculated that the accused forced BKV upper-management to negotiate and approve a series of contracts under the guise of the public transport company with persons or organizations that were not considered appropriate for the contracted tasks, but instead were directly or indirectly profitable for Mr. Hagyó.
Though one might think that Mr. Antal had exausted his current testimony last week by renouncing his 2010 statements, in yesterday’s hearing he answered new questions neither from the defense attorneys nor from the prosection. Instead, at the urging of Judge Katalin Kutron who seeked to record the entire testimony into the court’s official records, he once again returned to the 2010 events. This time, however, he eleaborated on his motivations for his original accusations against Hagyó, Mesterházy, and the other defendants.

During the February 4th, 2010 interrogation Antal was recovering from a heart attack, which had required of him a resignation from his post as CEO of BKV. So, according to the former executive, when the police held him in custody during the 2010 interrogation he feared that he would not recover his full health under such circumstances. In that state, Mr. Antal provided for the police, what he said was, their desired accusatory evidence against the other defendants.
Apart from the requested repetition of his story, Mr. Antal did provide for the court new elements of the 2010 circumstances. He stated that he did, in fact, initially provide an “honest,” or otherwise unincriminating, testimony to the police. At that point the police, he claims, refused to grant him leave from the police station until three days later, when Antal verbally accused Hagyó, Mesterházy, and the other defendents.
Mr. Hagyó followed Antal in providing his opinions on the 2010 events. The former Deputy Mayor of Budapest said that he had met Attila Antal prior to the BKV scandal on a few occasions, when he perceived Antal to be of "honest" character. Though Hagyó did not understand why the former CEO accused him in 2010, thus, according to Hagyó, betraying those "honest" characteristics, Miklós professed his content at seeing the "real" Attila Antal in court.
Mr. Hagyó and his defense expressed their disapproval at not being provided the opportunity to confront Antal about his accusations prior to the current trial. According to Miklós's attorney, this would have permitted both parties to sort out the "contradictions."

By Ben T. Hawking for XpatLoop.com
This opinion does not necessarily represent the views of this portal, your opinion is welcome too via info@xpatloop.com


Xpat Opinion: Budapest Transport Company Trial: Miklós Hagyó Claims His Indictment Is Rubbish

Xpat Opinion: Budapest Transport Company Trial: Miklós Hagyó Claims His Indictment Is Rubbish

Xpat Opinion: Budapest Transport Company Trial:  Miklós Hagyó Claims His Indictment Is Rubbish
The trial of the Budapest Public Transport Company (BKV) continued on Tuesday, October 16th which included statements from Miklós Hagyó, the former socialist MP and deputy mayor of Budapest who was responsible for the oversight of BKV from 2006 until 2010.

In response to last week’s testimony from Zsolt Balogh, the former Deputy Mayor said that neither his alibi nor the evidence he submitted during the investigation process were objectively considered by the appropriate authorities, during which he was subjected to a nine-month-long pretrial detention to prevent an alleged attempt to flee the country. Meanwhile, insisted Hagyó, the courts and the investigators readily accepted the verbal accusations of Balogh regardless of that fact that he had provided no substantial evidence for his incriminations.

According to Hagyó, the indictment against him should be acquitted since it was solely based upon the wide-spread accusations throughout the media and verbal statements collected by the investigation authorities during interrogations with Balogh and Attila Antal.
During the previous two weeks, both Balogh and Antal, who served as the CEO for the transportation company until a heart attack in early 2008 brought about his resignation, renounced their previous accusations against Hagyó. According to the two men, both of whom are defendants in the case, they made the statements under duress from the interrogators who allegedly threatened them with more severe pretrial treatment.

Both Hagyó and Balogh, who served as the interim CEO for the ill-stricken Antal from February to August in 2008, have confirmed in their testimonies the extent of their relationship; neither the former Deputy Mayor nor any other person from the Budapest City Council ever wielded any power over the interim CEO. Therefore, Hagyó claimed, Balogh was not pressured by him into overseeing the purportedly conspicuous contracts related to the development of the Budapest subway system.

Hagyó considered it important to point out during Tuesday’s hearing that in Balogh’s written testimony he explained his role within the company when the alleged crimes occurred, “As the [Chief Technical Officer] I had a good perspective on the technological and engineering aspects, but I knew neither the economic and personal issues, nor the transportation and communication aspects.” Many of the contracts in question were considered to be advisory in nature and not directly involved with Balogh’s departments.

Prior to his time as the interim CEO, Balogh had worked as the company’s CTO. During that time, approximately between January 2007 and February 2008, the suspect contracts were created. Among other things, Balogh accused Hagyó of using these contracts for personal or political profit, instead of developing the Budapest subway system.
Source: Népszava
Related articles:
Xpat Opinion: Miklós Hagyó Responds To Attila Antal's 2010 Accusations
By Ben T. Hawking for XpatLoop.com
This opinion does not necessarily represent the views of this portal, your opinion is welcome too via info@xpatloop.com


Hagyó’s complaint is still in Strasbourg – The Népszava’s article from the 14th of December

Hagyó’s complaint is still in Strasbourg – The Népszava’s article from the 14th of December
The court of Strasbourg and the Constitutional Court took in/admit the complaint from the defendants of the BKV case – turned out from the documents which made public on the hagyomiklos.com.
The lawyers of the defendant’s turned to the European Court of Human Rights and to the „rope syndicate” because the president of the National Judicial Office, Handó Tünde transferred the case from the Budapest Court to the Kecskemét Court. According to the petition from the lawyers, basic constitutional rights damaged with the transference of the case.
According to the lawyer of the main defendant (Hagyó Miklós, former deputy lord mayor), Kádár András and his defender fellows the right of the legal judge damaged because the transference was made without the excludability of the detachment, transparency and peremptory.

(Source: kis-kunsag.hu)
According to their standpoint, the damage of the impartiality requirement exist too, because the case was relocated by the National Judicial Office’s president, Handó Tünde (who is the wife of Szájer József, the representation of EP, Fidesz party) to a court where in a similar political connection they already made a serious adjudication in the case of Zuschlag. Moreover the right for the remedy is damaged too, because against the decision (to transfer the case to another court) of the president of the National Judicial Office there was no effective remedy – consist in the petition. For that matter the lawyers already asked for the suspend of the case because of this, but their proposal was rejected by the court and by the Szeged Court (court in second instance).
Címkék: bkv per hagyó miklós handó tünde kecskemét | Szerző: Hagyó Dosszié | 9:19 am
Befogadta a BKV-büntetőper vádlottjainak panaszát a strasbourgi bíróság és az Alkotmánybíróság (Ab) is - derült ki a hagyomiklos.com-on nyilvánosságra hozott dokumentumokból.
A vádlottak védői azért fordultak az Emberi Jogok Európai Bíróságához, és a taláros testülethez, mert az Országos Bírósági Hivatal (OBH) elnöke, Handó Tünde a per tárgyalására a főváros helyett a Kecskeméti Törvényszéket jelölte ki. A védők beadványa szerint alkotmányos alapjogok sérültek az ügy áthelyezésekor.
A fő vádlott Hagyó Miklós volt főpolgármester-helyettes ügyvédje, Kádár András és védőtársai szerint sérült a törvényes bírához való jog, mivel az áthelyezés az objektivitás, átláthatóság és önkényesség kizárhatósága nélkül történt meg.

 (Forrás: kis-kunsag.hu)

Álláspontjuk szerint fennáll a pártatlanság követelményének sérelme is, hiszen a tárgyalást az OBH elnöke, a fideszes Szájer József felesége szignálta át egy olyan törvényszékre, amely korábban hasonló politikai összefüggésben már súlyos ítéletet hozott a Zuschlag-ügyben. Valamint sérült a jogorvoslathoz való jog is, mivel az OBH elnökének más bíróságot kijelölő döntése ellen a jogszabályok nem biztosítottak hatékony jogorvoslatot - áll a beadványban. A védők egyébként mindezek alapján már korábban kérték a büntetőper felfüggesztését, de indítványukat a bíróság, majd az ítélőtábla is elutasította.
NÉPSZAVA-információ /

The European Court of Human Rights Remains Silent

The European Court of Human Rights Remains Silent

According to a December 14th, 2012 post from the Hungarian blog Hagyó Dosszié, a complaint filed to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) and the Hungarian Constitutional Court from the defendants in the trial of the BKV associates is still under review.
The suspects and their lawyers attested the transfer of the trial from the capital city Budapest to the Kecskemét Tribunal.  This has been a controversial occurrence in the trial because Kecskemét is generally considered to be politically sympathetic to the prosecutors.
According to András Kádár, the lawyer of defendant number one Miklós Hagyó, the transfer has damaged the integrity of the case and abused the defendants’ rights.  Kádár also complained about the lack of transparency in the transfer process.
I’ve written other posts about the transfer to the Kecskemét Tribunal which can be readherehere, and here.

Source: http://thehagyocase.wordpress.com/ 

The Hagyó Case: An Unconventional Case

The Hagyó Case: An Unconventional Case

The Hagyó Case: An Unconventional Case
This cartoon is a bit of a play on words. Hagyó, as in the last name of the main defendant Miklós Hagyó, is translated into English as ‘irregular’ or ‘unconventional.’ The has been allegedly deemed ‘unconventional’ by numerous Budapest police officers who apparently said that the suspects were chosen and then the evidence was created.
The Nokia box reference comes from the claims of Zsolt Balogh, Hagyó’s primary accuser, who said that he passed “dirty” money which was hidden in a Nokia phone box to Miklós Hagyó.

Source: http://thehagyocase.wordpress.com/ 

The Truth Will ‘Unravel’

The Truth Will ‘Unravel’


Gábor Demszky, who was the mayor of Budapest from 1990 until 2010, stated a few months ago that he believes the trial of the Budapest Transport Company (BKV) associates has been motivated by politics.  The former SZDSZ politician, under whom Miklós Hagyó served as a deputy mayor of Budapest from 2006 to 2010, that the entire case was a “composed, planned sequence which was made for a political purpose, and they have achieved that purpose.  I think it is unforgivable that they mired a lot of people and they accused and denigrated them.
This statement occurred during a speech he made to the Liberal Association of Budapest. 
Demszky went on to support his former co-worker, Miklós Hagyó, by saying that he and Hagyó didn’t always see eye to eye, but that he didn’t think Hagyó committed crimes during his oversight of BKV.
Demszky also said that he believes that, like in many other Hungarian show trials, the truth will eventually unravel and the defendants will be acquitted of all charges.
Many of the defendants in the BKV trial have claimed that the interrogators sought from them verbal incriminations of Miklós Hagyó and Gábor Demszky.

Source: http://thehagyocase.wordpress.com/ 

The Mayor’s Man is Connected to the BKV Case?

The Mayor’s Man is Connected to the BKV Case?

Many of the 15 defendants in the trial of the Budapest Transport Company (BKV) have claimed accused the interrogators of perhaps illegal interrogation tactics.  The promise of harsh pretrial jail time if the suspects did not provide the verbal evidence which the police sought has been one of the most common assertions from the group. 
Alongside these claims, many of the defendants have also declared that the prosecution first chose their culprits for the possibly unsubstantiated charges.  Then they attempted to produce the evidence.  In Hungarian a trial like this is a “koncepciós perek,” or a show trial. 
Well, it seems that two more dots have connected which might support the “koncepciós” theory. 
This connection lies in the relationship between György Pető and István Tarlós.  The latter is the current mayor of Budapest.  Pető was a former employee of the Budapest Police Department and allegedly involved with BKV’s investigation committee.  He was also one of deputy mayors of Budapest, alongside Tarlós, until 2007 when Miklós Hagyó’s city hall office manager defeated Pető for the MSZP representative slot of Óbuda.  Disgruntled over this, Pető left MSZP to become an independent.
Shortly after Pető went on to join the Budapest Police Department while Tarlós became the mayor of Budapest.  

Source: http://thehagyocase.wordpress.com/ 

December 13th, 2012 Hearing: the 13th Defendant Supports BKV’s Strategy to Cut Loses

December 13th, 2012 Hearing: the 13th Defendant Supports BKV’s Strategy to Cut Loses

On Thursday, December 13th, 2012 the trial of the Budapest Public Transport Company (BKV) saw the year’s final hearing in Kecskemét, Hungary.
The subject of the hearing was another allegedly conspicuous contract between DAM Lp. and BKV which was created on October 1st, 2007.  Apparently, BKV was trying to come up with a solution which would stop people from using the public transportation system without paying for tickets.  As such, they employed DAM to conduct a study about youngsters’ attitudes toward corporate communication.  The contract between DAM and BKV was determined to be 250,000 forints per month before taxes (just more than $1,100.00 at time of writing [ATW]).  The contract was canceled on June 15, 2009.
DAM representative and the 13th defendant in the BKV trial, Dr. Zsuzsanna Mecsér Kovács claimed in court on the 13th that the contract between her company and BKV was necessary.
Mecsér is accused of acting as an accomplice in a criminal organization by aiding in the misappropriation of public funds.  According to the indictment, she caused BKV damages totaling 5,700,000 forints (almost $26,000.00 ATW).
Mecsér claims that DAM’s work for BKV was effective and transparent while the prosecution, however, asserted that the work’s paper trail is incomplete and lacking transparency.  Luckily for the defendant, though, the judge claimed to find no basis for the prosecutions assertions.
In reaction to Mecsér’s testimony, Attila Antal, who was the former CEO of BKV, claimed that because of certain strategies such as the contract with DAM the public transport company cut their losses by 11 billion forint under his leadership (nearly $50,000,000.00 ATW).
Following Antal’s lead, the former deputy CEO Miklós Regőczi cited a document which claims that BKV still employs strategies such as the DAM contract to ensure customers pay for tickets.  Regőczi also noted that today, however, these strategies are not tried as a crime.

Source: http://thehagyocase.wordpress.com/ 

2013. január 6., vasárnap

The Hagyó case ended: in this year there is no more split of the accusation

The Hagyó case ended: in this year there is no more split of the accusation
On the Hagyó case’s last hearing of this year was about a 250.000 forint BKV contract, they talked about it in details, where M. Zsuzsanna, XIII. accused denied her guiltiness on the Kecskemét Court.
According to the accusation, M. Zsuzsanna’s company – in that time she was one of the members of the MSZP in the XII. District – got 250.000 forint in every month from the BKV for a campaign against the cut, however this work was unneeded for the BKV.
The defendant said that she was doing her tasks scrupulously, this is proven by the documents. According to the prosecution, the work’s documents were not transparent and incomplete, but the judge said that she couldn’t find proof for that in the investigation files.
In the observation of M. Zsuzsanna’s testimony, Antal Attila brought up that when he became the CEO of the BKV, he faced with unbelievable number in the relationship of the cuts, and that he handled the roll back as a strategy purpose. In the part of this it was needed to summing up the habits of the passengers, and for this – beside others – they spent 250.000 forint, until then the indictment admit it too, that under his leading with their measures they saved 11 billion forints for the transportation company. The former deputy CEO of the BKV, R. Miklós for completion, read out lout the document, which proves that the BKV still have campaign against the cut, but this doesn’t count as a „crime”.

On the hearing the prosecution wanted to prove that the study what summarize M. Zsuzsanna’s work was made with plagiarism. On the end of the hearing Hadnagy Ibolya judge – turned down the ask of the prosecution – accepted the proposal of the defendants, that they have to accept the professional opinion what Antal Attila attached, which is an expert opinion which was made from an expert witness about the communication of the BKV. So about the neediness of the communication’s outlay/expense at the first time they sound professionals too. For remembering, the prosecution made professional statements in the indictment about the communication, that they didn’t involve professionals for their support.

Today was the last hearing day in Kecskemét before the winter break. According to the trial’s present scale they heard most of the defendants, when the accusation almost totally broke up. From the main defendants: Antal Attila and Balog Zsolt (CEOs of the BKV), Mesterházy Ernő (former advisor of Demszky Gábor), Lelovics Ottó (former press person of Hagyó Miklós), and R. Miklós (former communication leader) are all renounced their investigation testimony and they made a new confession on the court. About their before testimonies what they said against others, they said they did it under threat, in humiliating circumstances, directional, and in the course of force interrogation.
According to their telling, the investigators asked confessions against Hagyó Miklós (former deputy lord mayor) and his environment in exchange for their freedom, but there was defendant from who they tried to get confession against Gyurcsány Ferenc. So far in the case the biggest event was when Balogh Zsolt renounced his testimony, which could have been the only evidence for the legend of the Nokia-box. Balogh said, he was saying his statements in the election campaign (for example about the Nokia-box) to fit for the expectations and to avoid jail. The BKV case will continue in the middle of January, by Handó Tünde who is the wife of Szájer József from Fidesz, on the Kecskemét Court.

Címkék: bkv per nokia doboz kecskemét handó tünde | Szerző: Hagyó Dosszié | 6:15 pm
Egy 250 ezer forintos BKV-s szerződés részleteinek feltárásával telt a Hagyó-per idei utolsó tárgyalása, melyen M. Zsuzsanna 13. rendű vádlott tagadta bűnösségét a Kecskeméti Törvényszéken.
A vád szerint M. Zsuzsanna - akkoriban a XII. kerületi MSZP szervezet tagja - cége havi 250 ezer forintot kapott a BKV-tól a bliccelés elleni kampány egyik részfeladatára, ám a BKV-nak ez a munka szükségtelen volt.

A vádlott elmondta, hogy a rábízott munkát lelkiismeretesen elvégezte, ezt dokumentumok is bizonyítják. Az ügyészség szerint a munka dokumentálása átláthatatlan és hiányos volt, ám a bírónő jelezte, hogy erre vonatkozó bizonyítékot ő nem talált a nyomozati anyagban. 
M. Zsuzsanna vallomására tett észrevételében Antal Attila felidézte, hogy mikor a BKV vezérigazgatója lett, megdöbbentő számokkal szembesült a blicceléssel kapcsolatban, és stratégiai célként kezelte annak visszaszorítását. Ennek részeként szükség volt az utazók szokásainak felmérése, és míg erre - egyebek mellett - havi 250 ezer forintot költöttek, addig a vádirat is elismeri, hogy vezetése alatt intézkedéseikkel 11 milliárd forintot spóroltak a közlekedési cégnek. A BKV volt vezérigazgató-helyettese, R. Miklós kiegészítésül felolvasta azt a dokumentumot, amely bizonyítja, a BKV ma is folytat bliccelés elleni kampányt, ám az nem számít "bűncselekménynek".

A tárgyaláson az ügyészség azt próbálta bizonyítani, hogy az M. Zsuzsanna munkáját összefoglaló tanulmány plagizálással készült. A tárgyalási nap végén Hadnagy Ibolya bírónő - az ügyészség kérését elutasítva - elfogadta a vádlottak indítványát, hogy fogadják el szakértői véleményként az Antal Attila által becsatolt, igazságügyi szakértő által készített szakvéleményt a BKV kommunikációjával kapcsolatban. Így a kommunikációs kiadások szükségessége kapcsán most először szakértőket is megszólaltatnak. Emlékezet, az ügyészség úgy tett kommunikációs szakmai megállapításokat a vádiratban, hogy azok alátámasztására nem vont be szakértőket.

A mai volt az utolsó tárgyalási nap a Kecskeméten zajló perben a téli szünet előtt. A per eddigi mérlege szerint a vádlottak nagy részét meghallgatták, miközben a vád szinte teljesen szétesett. A fővádlottak közül Antal Attila és Balogh Zsolt korábbi vezérigazgatók, Mesterházy Ernő - Demszky Gábor tanácsadója -, Lelovics Ottó - Hagyó Miklós egykori sajtósa -, és R. Miklós, a BKV korábbi kommunikációs vezetője is visszavonta nyomozati vallomását, és a bíróságon új vallomást tettek. Korábbi, másokra nézve terhelő vallomásaikról elmondták, azokat fenyegetés hatására, megalázó körülmények között, irányítottan, kényszervallatás során tették. 

Elmondásuk szerint a nyomozók az elsőrendű vádlott Hagyó Miklós volt főpolgármester-helyettesre és környezetére kértek terhelő vallomásokat a szabadságukért cserébe, de volt olyan vádlott is, akit arra próbáltak rábírni, hogy Gyurcsány Ferencre valljon. A per eddigi legnagyobb eseménye Balogh vallomásának visszavonása volt, amely az egyetlen bizonyíték lehetett volna a Nokia-doboz legendájára. Balogh elmondta, a választási kampányban nyilatkozatait azért tette (így például a Nokia-dobozról), hogy megfeleljen az elvárásoknak, és elkerülje a börtönt. A BKV-per január közepén folytatódik a fideszes Szájer József felesége, Handó Tünde által a tárgyalásra kijelölt Kecskeméti Törvényszéken.
NÉPSZAVA-információ /

The Santa Claus was the subject in the BKV trial

 The Santa Claus was the subject in the BKV trial
The prosecution asked one of the defendants (who are a former subcontractor of the BKV) about Santa Claus costumes, crayons and about chocolates on the yesterday hearing of the Hagyó case.
M. László journalist, XII. accused – who is accused by the prosecution with misappropriation as a privy, with the contracts between the BKV and his company – denied his guiltiness. According to the accusation the programs for children day, the BKV Santa Claus and the campaign for the transport security which was set up by this company were unneeded, H. Éva accused VI. was the one who ordered the signing of the contract, who in that time was in a relationship with him, and now he is her husband. M. László said, that his wife was working as an advisor on the project of the subway 4, she had no right and no opportunity for ordering. For that matter he said that these programs were useful and successful.

(Source of the photo: http://www.minitoys.hu)
On the hearing the prosecution’s questions with among others about the Santa Claus costumes made in the defendants and their defenders a general exhilaration. On the hearing this was the first time when the prosecutor answered for the observations which disapprove the work of the accusation, these observations were that on the selection when they chose the defendants they chose it by politics. According to the prosecutor this is not true, they accused people about they had incriminatory testimonies during the investigation. This answer – considering that they didn’t even questioned the so called „sources” of the slush-fund – pique big outcry in the defendants and in their defenders.

Címkék: bkv per marketing kecskemét | Szerző: Hagyó Dosszié | 9:26 am
Mikulásjelmezekről, zsírkrétákról és csokoládéról kérdezte az ügyészség a BKV egykori alvállalkozó-vádlottját a Hagyó-per tegnapi tárgyalásán.
M. László újságíró, 12. rendű vádlott - akit az ügyészség bűnsegédként elkövetett hűtlen kezeléssel vádol, az általa vezetett bt.-vel kötött BKV-s szerződések miatt - tagadta bűnösségét. A vádhatóság szerint a cég által szervezett gyermeknapi programok, a BKV Mikulás és a közlekedésbiztonsági kampány felesleges volt, és a szerződések megkötésére a BKV-t H. Éva 6. rendű vádlott utasította, aki akkoriban párkapcsolatban élt a férfival, jelenlegi férjével. M. László elmondta, felesége tanácsadóként dolgozott a 4-es metró projektjén, utasításra sem joga, sem lehetősége nem volt. Egyébként pedig az egyes rendezvényeket hasznosnak és sikeresnek ítélte

(Fotó forrása: http://www.minitoys.hu)
A tárgyaláson a vádlottak és védőik között általános derültséget váltottak ki az ügyészség kérdései a többi között a Mikulás-jelmezekről. A tárgyaláson az ügyész most először reagált azokra a vádhatósági munkát kifogásoló észrevételekre, amelyek szerint politikai alapon szelektáltak a vádlottak kiválogatásánál. Az ügyész szerint ez nem igaz, ők azokat vádolták meg, akikre terhelő vallomások hangzottak el a nyomozás során. Ez a válasz - figyelembe véve, hogy például az állítólagos kenőpénzek "forrásait" még csak ki sem hallgatták - nagy felzúdulást keltett a vádlottak és védőik között.