In Strasbourg they adjudicated in the case of Hagyó Miklós, who is the main defendant in the BKV case. The European Court of Human Right adjudicated a few million forints compensation for the former deputy lord mayor, as they said: the authorities who restrained him violated the prohibition of the inhuman treatment and for the personal freedom, together with right of the legal redress/remedy. During this Handó Tünde, the president of the National Judicial Office strove/tried to explain the transference of the Hagyó case in front of the Constitutional Court.
The Hungarian authorities did multiple violation of law at the detention of Hagyó Miklós – said yesterday the European Court of Human Rights, therefore they obligated the Hungarian government to pay out 12.500 euro relief – this is 3,75 million forints – and 6000 euro law cost – further 1,8 million forints. The former deputy lord mayor who is the I defendant of the BKV case which is in the Kecskemét Tribunal turned to Strasbourg in 2010, because according to him they put him into pretrial detention unduly, and extended his duress provision several times.