Gábor Demszky, the ex - Lord Mayor of Budapest inherited the suits of his advisor, Ernő Mesterházy – more or less this kind of information can be found in the excessively bulky investigation file of the „BKV case” – as known in the media. The previous statement was told by the assistant of Demszky and later István Tarlós, János Atkár. From him the investigators waited information about political life of the town hall, because he couldn’t have known much about the concrete cases from the indictment.
Some other signals show us, that the indictment – signed by Imre Keresztes, the head of the Central Main Public Prosecution – is a political pamflet.In the beginning of the investigation the case was known as „Mrs Szilágyi and her partners”, later got the name of „Hagyó and his partners”.
Miklós Hagyó – the prevoius Deputy Mayor of Budapest – and his 14 parners are accused with misappropriation and other kinds of crimes (about 1,49 milliard forints damage to property), and 10 of them are accused with participation in a criminal organization. Although except for the beginning of the indictment, later there isn’t any mention about the maffia, and the exposure is also very deficient. We can read there for exaple : „Mesterházy represented the interest of the companies of the Lord Mayor’s circle to the BKV. But nothing is can be known about who could have been the „member of this circle”, which companies joined to this circle, moreover Demszky is not cited as a witness. The prosecutor in the indictent accussed Hagyó, - characterized as the founder and leader of the criminal organization – from the 50 crimes from the indictment only with 3. The most of the indications are testimonies. On the other hand after reading the whole police documents we can say, that very few of the indications are clearly criminative.
Against Zsolt Balogh the former mandated leader of the BKV, the charge is misappropriation (caused a milliard damage). In 2010 he gave an interview to the Hungarian Nation, and told that he gave 15 million forints in a Nokia-box to Hagyó. In the meantime he became a manager by the PK Busrent LLC, all got from the fidesz management of Pécs. Behind this new mandate of Mr. Balogh stands the lawyer Iván Szabó, who is not only the protector the ex-leader of the BKV in the process, but also works for the government of Pécs.
In the „Hagyó-case” the judge will have to decide, whether a company, like the BKV needs advertisements, pr-s, market research, or not, and a lossmaking company can allow itself to conclude contracts like these.
Source: http://hvg.hu/hvgfriss/2012.18/201218_indul_a_bkvbunper_az_ajtok_zarodnak
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